Embracing the Blog Life

I’ll admit, I’ve never considered myself a ‘blog person.’ I’m also a bit stubborn, but I often find myself doing things I once swore I’d never do. For example: “I will never join Instagram—this is just not for me.” Or “I’ll never get divorced.” Or “Me, writing a book? Are you out of your mind? I’ll never share my personal story… no way.” Sound familiar to anyone?

So, I’ve decided that every time I feel resistant to something, I’ll say to myself, “From now on, maybe, it’s a possibility.” I’m trying to keep an open mind and leave room for smoother transitions. And yes, to everything I once swore against! I wrote a book and I started sharing my thoughts more on social media. But when I woke up every day with a strong urge to write more, I realized I needed a blog—somewhere I could write without limits. So, I guess you could say I’ve become a blogger.

But this blog won’t just be about my work. It’ll be a mix of things—because it’s about how I experience the world. I’ve always believed that as I grow personally, my business grows with me. I’m a deeply intuitive, creative, and spiritual person. While I’m not here to go full “lu-luu,” running my business isn’t about rigid strategies or long-term plans. Yes, I know where I want to go, but there are many different paths to get there. I trust my intuition and listen to where I’m being guided. If my business isn’t thriving, it usually means something inside me is blocking the flow—blocking success. It’s not about throwing more money into marketing or relying on data analysis. My success is a reflection of my personal growth. I reflect, I analyze, but that all happens in my mind.

And to be honest, I believe that a great product or service doesn’t need a lot of advertising. If people truly connect with you and your company, they will always find their way to you.

So, you’re very welcome to join me on this journey. I’ll be sharing my thoughts and experiences, and of course, I’d love to hear yours. Feel free to share in the comments or connect with me in whatever way suits you.

The Blogger



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