Waiting for the Christmas Miracle

Waiting for the Christmas Miracle

Waiting for the Christmas Miracle    My first Christmas ping arrived a week ago. I woke up on Sunday morning with this sudden urge to rearrange things in my kitchen and living room, just to shift the energy around a bit. I then thought about going shopping to buy...


Rejection When I was writing my last blog post, I received three rejections on that day. One was a canceled or postponed meeting, the second was an involvement in a project that didn’t get funding, and the third was about not being included in a group. A few...
Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Who Am I? After reflecting on an artist’s work, I realized that, like them, I have different layers or branches. I translated this idea into my own life, thinking about where to focus my energy, especially when life throws so many different messages and ideas your...


Leaving Behind a Legacy This year, especially, I’ve been reflecting on this. I must admit, I’ve never really thought about it before—what legacy? I always thought, “I just do what I do, hopefully what I enjoy doing. Why should I care about some legacy?”...
Dressing up

Dressing up

How to Dress for Success from a Sensory Style Perspective This is for people starting their own business or anyone who needs to present themselves or their company in different settings. There’s one powerful phrase I discovered years ago, and it’s stuck with me ever...